What's Happening

High Resolves

Earlier this term 4 staff from stage 5 and stage 6 visited the University of Technology Sydney to attend an extraordinary professional learning experience run by High Resolves on Developing future-ready global citizens. Staff were able to liaise and listen to a panel discussion with Education Department leaders and Principals on the changing nature of education; how can schools better prepare students for changes in higher education and beyond. Discussions were vibrant and engaging when discussing intelligent technology, equipping students with the skills and understanding of ethical and approparte use of AI, and how we can design schools that empower our students to be future-ready global citizens. 

Staff were able to experience 2 immersive masterclass sessions with High Resolves creators on 'Symphony', to unlock human potential and help develop not only better students, but better humans, and 'Videos for Change', an innovative global platform with distinctive capacity-building experiences that empowers and amplifies youth voice on the social issues they care about. To share compelling one-minute videos, through school, national and global competitions, film festivals and media partners to create empathy, awareness and positive action on a local and global level. 

We look forward to embedding these powerful and meaningful learning experiences into our teaching to share with all students at our school. 


Jess Hodder

Assistant Principal