



Since we opened South Melbourne Park Primary in 2019, fundraising and community events have been run through the amazing efforts of Families and Friends volunteers, with the approval of School Council. 

School Council has recently been considering alternative ways to organise the tasks across working groups, to make the most of the incredible skills we have in our community, as well as make sure that the responsibility for these events doesn’t fall on just a few shoulders. 

We know we have people with great ideas in our community, so we wanted to provide an opportunity for anyone to put together a short proposal that outlines how we as a community can achieve this more effectively. Who do you think should do what? How would it work? 

We have created a google form to make it as easy as possible for you to send your proposal, If you want to contribute, please do so by Friday, 14th April.

Please note that any proposed scenario must meet the policy requirements included in: Parents' Clubs: Policy |



Our wonderful students will once again be pounding the pavement to raise funds for our school. This is a fantastic community event and is the school’s biggest fundraiser….let’s see if we can set a new fundraising record in 2023?!  


Forms have been handed out to each child this week (please check your child’s bag) so that students can use the holidays to start gathering donation pledges – grandparents, aunties, uncles, neighbours, friends – this is a great opportunity for those in our community to help fundraise! If you’ve lost the form, you can download one from Compass.

This year the Student Representative Council has chosen the theme Disney/Magic so kids are welcome to come along dressed up on the day.

To help the day run smoothly we are asking for parent volunteers.  Please register at the link below if you can assist.



We are really looking forward to celebrating our Mums and special persons on the 12th May. The breakfast will be from 8-9am. Please save the date and keep an eye out for more information to come. We’ll also be looking for some volunteers to bake/prepare some treats for the day and are really hoping it’s not the mums doing the baking 😉



I would like to say a huge thankyou to the community for being so supportive throughout the Grand Prix. It has certainly had its challenges, but your kind words and flexibility have helped us to get through. I’ll be reviewing the process with the Grand Prix over the coming weeks.

Thank you to our hard-working teachers and education support officers, who always go above and beyond for our kids. The teachers made me so proud last night at our staff meeting, where each team shared their SMART goal, teaching strategies and learning growth, as part of their Cycle of Inquiry. Every team mentioned how their professional practice had changed in response to the new evidence-based learning we have been doing together in Writing. A mark of a great teacher! We will be continuing our work in Writing for the coming term, further extending teacher knowledge, with the ultimate aim of improving student outcomes.

And lastly, thank you to our kids for a great start to the year. They represented our school beautifully at the excursions last Thursday and have been a joy to teach all term! We’ve had our Student Representative Council at the Grip Leadership conference and our Student Voices bringing ideas from their classes about lunchtime clubs. The House Spirit Leaders represented us at the re-opening of the Victorian Institute of Sport, our swimmers performed beautifully at Divisions and the 5/6s learnt to sail! Our grade 3s and 5s sat the NAPLAN tests admirably and our Preps settled beautifully into school life. We are proud of them all! 

Families, I hope you have a lovely break. We’ll see you all on Wednesday, 26th April to begin Term 2.








