Outstanding Attendance Results

Attendance 90+

Throughout this term, our school has had a significant focus on fostering high expectations around learning, attendance and behaviour and we are committed to acknowledging students who are meeting and exceeding our expectations. Teachers are using green chronicle posts to acknowledge positive behaviours and positive learning growth and sub school teams are celebrating these achievements with students every week in assemblies, team messages and with zooper doopers!


This term, we are celebrating 844 students who have achieved 90+ attendance. This means they have been at school, in class, and laying the foundations for successful pathways in school and beyond! Emails will be sent out today to parents of these 844 students recognising their outstanding attendance and commitment to learning. 


At the end of the year, we intend on celebrating students who have 90+ attendance across the whole year by going on an excursion to Gumbuya World. We want to recognise the students who are consistently doing the right thing and are exhibiting daily positive learning behaviours. 


Our expectation is for all students to achieve 90+ attendance as we know ‘all school days matter’ (Hancock et al., 2013). Daily school attendance is important for young people to succeed in education and to ensure they do not fall behind both socially and developmentally. Young people who regularly attend school and complete Year 12 or an equivalent qualification have better health outcomes, employment opportunities and are prepared for life after high school.


Please note, if you’re child is absent, it’s very important to add an attendance note on Compass. VET students who are absent must also have an absent note attached on Compass.


Have a wonderful Easter break and we look forward to continuing our focus on positive learning, behaviour and attendance next term!


Carrie Wallis

Assistant Principal