RRRR Ambassadors

It is my pleasure to announce the Wantirna College RRRR Ambassadors (Leaders) for 2023. These students have been carefully selected through an application and interview process and proudly awarded their badge and leadership role.


Year 7: Ava Reilly 

Year 8: Lucinda Sleges

Year 9: Kendra Prothero and Layla Gordon

Year 10: Kai Simcocks

Year 11: Aadi Binu


Our new RRRR Ambassadors will work closely with staff members, other school Leaders and the student cohort to plan and implement events that promote a culture of respect. Events will include celebration days, fundraisers, awareness days, workshops, lunchtime activities and panel discussions that encourage students to reflect on their own values and beliefs to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of others. 


I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the importance of Respectful Relationships in our community. They are the foundation of a healthy and thriving community. 


At Wantirna College we are committed to implementing Respectful Relationships to further improve the wellbeing of our students. We have integrated RRRR into our Classroom Education through Health and P.E, Elevate and Explore classes and a calm and productive learning environment through the SWPB (School Wide Positive Behaviours). This assists with teaching responsibility, resilience and empathy.


By promoting RRRR we can build stronger connections and create a culture of admiration and understanding. This is particularly important in today’s world, where social media and other digital platforms have made it easier than ever to express opinions and engage with a wide range of people. The ability to communicate effectively and respectfully is an essential skill for success in today’s fast paced world.


We are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment at our College, where all students can reach their full potential. The RRRR leaders represent the very best of our community and I am confident they will be excellent Ambassadors. Together, we can build a community where respect is the norm and everyone is valued and appreciated.


Wishing everyone a safe and happy holidays.


Rebecca Howell

Rights, Resilience and 

Respectful Relationships Leader