Upcoming Events

Cross Country - change of date

Due to the Zone Cross Country date moving to Thursday 25th May, our school Cross Country carnival will now take place on Friday 12th May (Week 3) from 11.30am-1pm. We have had to move our carnival a week earlier than we had planned so that we have time to reschedule the carnival before zone if it is raining on Friday 12th May. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. 


Please return the permission note via Enews by next Monday at the latest. Please note you do not need to complete a new permission note if you have already submitted the permission note. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Check-in assessment for Years 4 and 6 

Dear Parents and Carers,


During Term 2, students will participate in the Check-in assessment.


The Check-in assessment is a NSW Department of Education online literacy and numeracy assessment available to support schools to assess and monitor student learning.


The assessment can supplement existing school practices to identify how students are performing in literacy and numeracy and to help teachers tailor their teaching more specifically to student needs. Students with disability may receive the same level of support during the assessment they would normally receive in the classroom.

  • The assessment will be scheduled for our Year 4 and 6 students during Term 2 Weeks 5-7.
  • All students complete a reading assessment and a numeracy assessment.

Andrew Chong – Stage 3 Assistant Principal


School Calendar

4 May: Selective HS test day

7 May: Brick Fair

12 May: Cross Country

12 May: Mother's Day Stall

19 May: National Walk Safely to School Day

25 May: Zone Cross Country

