
Kitchen News

During Term One in kitchen class, students have been off to a flying start. Learning about Italian appetizers, we have focused very heavily on using as much produce from our plentiful garden as we can (so many tomatoes!).


Year Three students were introduced to kitchen for the first time and they are absolutely loving every moment of cooking, their passion for food is shining through! 


Some of our dishes this term included pizza, pinwheels, Tuscan white bean dip, focaccia, tomato galette and frittata. 


It's been lovely meeting all the wonderful parents and carers who are volunteering in our kitchen, and I would love to welcome anyone who would like to join our sessions next term. Stay tuned for updates on how to enrol as a volunteer and participate in our delicious and fun kitchen program. 


Looking forward to Term Two where we will be learning all about pasta and Italian rice dishes, come join us! 


Mrs. Haddon

Chef Educator