Group 6

We’ve been having so much fun in Prep 6 this term! Watching our students settle into their routines and become more independent day by day brings us so much joy and excitement. Our preps have been nothing short of amazing and have shown us how brilliant they are with their can-do attitudes, adaptability to change within their daily schedules, and evolving skills sets that are growing by the day!


Swimming has been a sure favourite and is requested daily!


Structured play has been going well and our students are learning to play with peers, take turns, and share toys in our play area. 


Using the big playground has been so exciting, as we have scooters and bikes to ride around. 


And lastly, we love our story time with one another, which is a time to relax, listen, and explore characters from our stories.


I couldn’t be prouder of each of our students in Prep 6. 


A special thanks to our student’s families who are just wonderful, communicate brilliantly, and always have smiling faces to greet us. 

