Principal's Report

“You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think – Christopher Robin”


Student Leaders 2023

It gives me great pleasure to announce our school leaders for 2023. Voted on by their peers and staff, the Student Representative Council for 2023 are Amelie Le Bon, Jack Li, Blake Hewett, Josh Shurvinton, Scott Lewis, Aaron Truong, Ayla Tattersfield, Kaleb Steyn, Dae Gyu Kim, Jaymee White, and Bradley Webster-Cox.


Leading the SRC for 2023 I would like to congratulate Josh Shurvinton who has been voted to be our School Captain for 2023 and Blake Hewett who will be our School Vice-Captain. They will take an active role in our School Council and lead the SRC in their contributions to school life. A recent highlight for Josh was to go with two of his peers Callum and Elia on the Victorian Bike Ride, representing our school. We are very proud of them. They rode over 100kms on the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail. Amazing!!! Well done boys!


As we grow our young leaders in our school we have introduced for the first time ever at Monash SDS, House Captains! We have collaborated with our KESO leader to introduce indigenous names for the houses. The leaders of these houses and their names are:

Country - Biik (pronounced: bic) – red 

Tree – Darrang (pronounced: dar rang) – green

River – Galada (pronounced: gal a da ) – blue

Sun – Ngawan (pronounced: narga one) – yellow


House Captains will be:

Bic (Red house) – Jaymee White

Darrang (Green house) – Scott Lewis

Galada (Blue house) – Dae Gyu Kim

Nargawan (Yellow house) – Ali Dastagir


Staffing Update

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents and families for their patience and understanding as we have navigated through these extremely challenging times with recruitment. I know how important it is for you to build a relationship with your child’s teacher and that has been unable to happen for many of you this term due to staffing shortages. The number of classes without teachers has been decreasing slowly but surely. Please be reassured this is my upmost priority and I will continue to utilise every resource available to me to get the right staff for our school community. If you have any concerns about any of this please do not hesitate to contact me.

I would also like to thank our amazing staff who have made this term as smooth as it possibly could be. 


Sports Day

A big thank you to our wonderful parent group who came in to serve hotdogs to the children on Sports Day despite the fact we had to cancel due to the terrible weather. On a cold, wet day the children loved it as did many of the staff! The parent group are an amazing group and I would encourage you if you have any time to be a part it, in any capacity.


School Council AGM

As previously mentioned we will be holding our School Council AGM on Wednesday 26th April at 12pm. Everyone is very welcome but if you can just let the office know if you are coming please that would be great.


Curriculum Day 

We have had Wednesday 17th May in term 2 approved by the school council as a pupil free day. The staff will have Professional Development that day around School Wide Positive Behaviour Support.


Have a wonderful break and I hope you have a wonderful time with family and friends over Easter!


As always please reach out with any questions or concerns


Stay safe and be kind to one another,
