Parent Engagement

School Advisory Council
As indicated in the title this is an advisory council. The discussions, support, and advice from the members is something that I highly value, and I look forward to these meetings. Topics discussed at these meetings include:
- AGM/ Open Meeting, including succession planning
- Master Planning
- Catholic Identity
- Pastoral Wellbeing
- Parent Engagement
- Data- Curriculum, Cultural/ Climate Data
- Child Safe
- Curriculum Focus
If you would like to join the council or attend a meeting please get in touch to arrange this.
School Advisory Council Members:
- Simone Nolan (Chair): Mother of Beatrix (Year Six)
- Adam Green: Father of Cleaver (Year Six)
- Rachael Castricum: Mother of Flynn (Year Six), Max (Year Three), and Annabelle (Year Two)
- Julie King: Mother of Aleaha (Year Five)
- Diarmuid Kelly: Father of Aidan (Year Two) and Fintan (Foundation)
- DeWitt Oosthuizen: Father of Jack and Maggie (Year Two)
- Michael Kearton (Staff Representative): and Father of Oliver (Year Six), Noah (Year Three), and Lumi (Foundation)
Term One Climate Survey
This is a reminder that this survey will close next Wednesday. Thank you to those parents who have had an opportunity to provide feedback already.
The purpose of this short survey is to understand what the general level of satisfaction within the School Community currently is; what we are doing well, and where we can improve. The survey is a general check-in as to what the overall feeling is around the school.
It is only 4 questions and takes around 10 mins.
Little Joeys
Little Joeys is back Wednesday Mornings from 9.00 - 10.30 am.
Connect and play
Mums, Dads, Grandparents, and carers
Children aged 0-5 years are welcome
BYO healthy snacks, drink bottles, and a hat - everything else is supplied