Focus on Learning 

The Coolamon Challenge

This week for the Coolamon Challenge we have some riddles to solve. Riddles help students work on their logical thinking, practice vocabulary and sometimes they can give a good laugh!  Have fun solving these riddles.



  1. What gets wet while drying?
  2. What kind of room has no doors or windows?
  3. What has four fingers and a thumb but isn’t alive?


  1. What is yours but mostly used by others?
  2. A cowgirl road into town on Friday. Three days later, she left on Friday. How is that possible?
  3. What animal can jump higher than a building?
  4. What month of the year has 28 days?
  5. How many letters are there in 'the alphabet'?



In Kindergarten we have been learning about Whole Number in Maths. We have been focusing on counting to 20, although we love trying to count to 100!  We have been doing lots of activities to help us learn our teen numbers. We have used ten frames, paddle pop stick bundles, flash cards and whiteboards to help consolidate our knowledge of numbers.


Counting with your child at home

  • Count with your child the number of buttons as you do up a cardigan or shirt.
  • Encourage your child to count the number of pegs used to hang out the washing.
  • Count the number of steps from the front door to the letterbox.
  • Count the number of eggs in a carton, and again after some have been removed.
  • Count the number of times you and your child can throw a ball to each other without dropping it.
  • Read and talk about stories and rhymes that use numbers.
  • Sing songs and nursery rhymes that include numbers such as Five Little Ducks and Baa Baa Black Sheep.
  • Have your child count as far as they are able to go and then encourage them to join you while you continue counting.

Go on a number hunt together and discover places where numbers are used such as:

  • a clock
  • television
  • computer keyboard
  • calendar
  • telephones
  • car licence plates

Counting the beats to your child’s favourite song and getting them to clap their hands or stamp their feet to the beat is a fun way to get your child counting.


Stations of the Cross

Last term Kindergarten performed the story of Palm Sunday, as we prepared for Easter. Children re-enacted Jesus riding on a donkey through the town of Jerusalem, while the people waved Palm Leaves chanting Hosanna. Jack played the role of Jesus, Luca and Grace were the disciples, Molly played the role of the donkey and Darcie, Evie, Arli and Layla played the roles of the gathering crowd. 



Kindergarten have received two AMAZING Me Museum's. We can't wait to see some more super exciting Me Museum's.


Our first Inquiry Question is:     What is my history and how do I know?


We will be learning about:

  • what makes a ‘family’
  • where people in the family were born and raised
  • how people are related in families
  • generations of people that make a family

Once we have collected information about ourselves:  our likes and dislikes, our favourite things, and other characteristics that make us special, students will make their own ‘Museum About Me’.

It could look a little like this. 

With your child you may like to help them create an ‘all about Me Museum’, using a small box. The children will be able to present their ‘Me Museum’ to the class once they have made them and brought them in to school.