A Message from the Principal

Mrs Pauline Long

As mentioned in last week’s newsletter over the next few weeks I will be revising our school approach to teaching writing. We have been implementing Big Talk, Big Write and VCOP strategies across the school which are based on the premise;

We use lots of fast, fun, active, oral language games to help us learn. It would be great if you could practise them at home, in the car, or when you travel. They are quick, easy and usually require no resources to play. Here are a few examples:

I Spy;  

Would You Rather - be too hot or too cold? be able to fly or turn invisible?;

Name 5 Things - that are red,  that are loud, that are quiet;

Who Am I ? - describe a person and guess who it is;

I am Thinking of a Word-give hints about this word eg it is a type of food? what colour is it? what does it taste like? what does it feel like? 


Mother’s Day

I would like to wish all our mums a relaxing and fun filled Mother’s Day this Sunday. Don’t forget gifts will be distributed to students this Thursday. Payment needs to be made via Compass. Also our whole school liturgy will be held at 2.00pm in the library followed by classroom visits. Mums, Dads, Carers, Nannas, family members & close friends are warmly invited.


Finally, I would like to share some quotes mothers have used for many years; I am sure you are familiar with them.

Have you said these to your children?


Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn’t make it right.

If everyone else was jumping off a cliff, would you do it?

How do you know you don’t like it if you haven’t tried it?

You’ll thank me for this one day.

Do you think I was born yesterday?


Have a happy week and enjoy your precious children.

Pauline Long
