Across the Principal's Desk

Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed the break over Christmas and New Year – it seems like a long time ago now. It’s always exciting to welcome our students after the long break. We’ve had a smooth start to the new school year with students and teachers getting down to business in our classrooms. We particularly welcome our Year 7 students who have settled in nicely at our school, whilst at the other end of the year levels, we wish our Year 12 students all the very best for their final year of secondary education. Of course, all of the other year levels in between are important and we wish them well for the year too!


It’s been far more settled with our new buildings and facilities in place. We still have some work to finalise around our school – mostly grounds, outdoor furniture and painting – but all of our major structures are in place and working well. We are fortunate to have such brilliant facilities. We completed our new sports courts over the holidays and I’m sure the students will enjoy taking advantage of having that space for formal classes, as well as recess and lunchtime.


I spoke at our first assembly about having student input into a range of topics that we would like to focus on this year. I think we are quite good at seeking feedback and input from our student body but we are always striving to improve. We are refining our behaviours in relation to our focus areas of Respectful Relationships, High Expectations and Excellence. We will ask students to identify the top 5 behaviours for each of these areas that will help us all to ensure we are living our values on a daily basis. We will also seek input from students about general standards for behaviour we would like to see around our school to ensure we maintain and further develop our very positive school culture. As a staff we have explored our Vision and Mission Statements and we will also include our students in this process to ensure their ‘voice’ is heard and valued. So, we will create further opportunities for students to have their say in an important part of their life.


We wish everyone well for an exciting and productive 2020!