Italian News

Eleonara Schembri & Erin Ranieri

Italian News

A reminder to all students, especially classes that don’t have Italian in TERM 4 to visit sites such as Languages Online, Duolingo, to review and practise their Italian at home.  These sites have many interactive games, songs and worksheets that can be printed off.  We will be using these resources in the classroom so your child will be familiar with them. They are both free!


A REMINDER that our Italian Week celebration will be held in Term 4, Week 2.  We will commence the week with an Italian Dress up day and assembly.  Children may wear the Italian colours of Green, White or Red, or anything Italian, they may want to dress up like they are going to the Venetian Ball, Carnevale or even like some Italian food!  During the week, Make a Scene will be performing a play about Pinocchio, there will be audience interaction as well as lots of laughs.  Make sure that payment has been made so that your child does not miss out on this performance. During lunchtimes there will be Italian themed activities to take part in.  Looking forward to a week full of fun!


Gladstone Park Secondary College has invited the Year 5 and 6 students at our school to participate in an Italian Poetry competition.  This will be taking place on Wednesday 23rd October.  Four students from Year 5 and four students from Year 6 will be representing our school.


Hope everyone has a great holiday with their family and we will see you in Term 4.


A presto (See you soon)

Eleonora Schembri and Erin Ranieri