Student News

Year 1 News

We have spent the last four weeks getting to know each other and building our team culture. To help us, we have looked at our school values, ‘Be A Team’ and ‘Be Curious’.  

Developmental Play has been a favourite time of day for our young learners and links authentically to our current curiosity question - What Do We Learn Through Play? 

 Children have had the opportunity to build their reading stamina and are learning how to select good-fit books using I-PICK. We make sure to read every day and are excited to have so many kids offer to read to the class!



Story Workshop has been a new adventure for our little ones. As Matisse puts it, “Story Workshop is when you find stories and use materials to work out what story you want to tell.” We have loved hearing children share their memories and imaginative stories using a range of art materials and loose parts.

 Team 1PY and Team 1KB are off to a fantastic start to 2020!

Art and Music - Year 2/3 and 3/4

The children engaged enthusiastically in a wonderful creative project driven by the students and coordinated by the visual and performing arts teachers.

The students decorated their recorder covers with original designs based on line and shape, which they will keep to enjoy and to protect their instruments.