Principal Message

Message from the College Acting Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,


On behalf of the staff of Tarneit P-9 College, we would like to warmly welcome back our school community. Our returning students came back rested and excited to commence the school year and we welcomed many new faces, including 190 smiling preps. We have had an absolutely wonderful start to the school year and already our classrooms and school yard have a calm and positive feel. This term, Rynn Anderson will be working at another school, supporting them in establishing a new leadership team while their Principal is on leave. She hopes that everyone had a fantastic summer break and is looking forward to seeing everyone when she returns in Term 2. While Rynn is on leave from our College, I will be acting in her role as College Principal.


At Tarneit P-9 College, we believe that it takes the combined efforts of parents, teachers and students to create a learning environment based on mutual trust and respect. Whilst at school or representing the school in any capacity all parents are expected to behave in a courteous manner and live the school’s values of Learning, Pride, Inclusiveness and Responsibility. I would like to remind parents to avoid confrontation with students and parents in our school grounds. If you have any concerns or issues, please contact our Administration Office who will assist you in making a time to speak to the classroom teacher or any member of our Leadership team.


We are aware that pick up and drop off times can be extremely hectic and we ask that all members of our community use common courtesy and patience during these times, and to role model the safe use of school crossings. There are a variety of parking options around or in close proximity to the College and we encourage families to take advantage of these to reduce the traffic volume on the immediate area. Unfortunately, we still have families and students not using the school crossing on both Crossway Avenue and Brinbrook Street. As you can imagine this is a significant safety concern for our community. To assist with this, we ask all members of our community to model using the crossings and we also request that parents discuss road safety and use of crossing with their children. We also have Yard Duty teachers on Brinbrook Street to assist with supervision of student using the crossings.


In starting the school year, we ask that all parents and carers ensure that their child’s belongings are clearly labelled with their name and class. This will allow any lost items to be easily returned to the correct owner. Also a reminder that we are a sun smart school and all students from P-9 are expected to wear a hat at recess and lunchtime in Terms 1 and 4.

We are currently conducting our School Council elections and are calling for nominations. If you are interested in being part of our School Council, nomination forms are available at the Administration Office. Nominations close Wednesday 27 February and we require at least 3 parents to nominate. There is an information sheet further in this newsletter with information about the role of a School Councillor.


A reminder that we have our Family Fun night, where our community is invited to share a BBQ dinner and partake in some activities with our staff on Tuesday 26 February. We look forward to welcoming everyone back and joining our families in some round robin games.


Kind Regards


Paris Spencer

Acting College Principal


School Council