Weekly Awards


Shepherd Newton:- For having a fantastic start to Foundation.  You are kind and caring and can bring a smile to everyone's face.  Keep shining bright.

Maya Thrane:- for always being so helpful to all in the classroom.  You are such a kind friend.

Sadie Hennes:- For exemplifying our school guideline "do your best" with your writing.  I love your enthusiasm for school!

Spencer R:- For coming up with an excellent definition for the study word "Jump'".  You have taken to school so well, way to go!



Zoey Talbot:- For being a great communicator.  I love the way you always have something interesting to contribute to our class discussions.  You are a clever cookie!

Dustin Whitling:- For a brilliant start to Year 1.  You are consistently doing your best.  Well done!

Aiken McLean:- For the brilliant effort you put into your learning this week.  Super Stuff!

Moss Golding:- For doing an amazing job at everything you do.  Your're a Star!

George Poole:- For always trying your best at everything you do.  Well done.

Heidi Moulday:- I love how you had a go at writing.  Once you started you couldn't stop!  Great effort!



Tilly Lowrie:- For teaching the class all your gymnastic moves even though it's impossible for us to do.  You have made a wonderful start to the year keep it up!

Drew Miles:- For coming to class each day with a big smile and positive attitude.  3/4D is very lucky to have you!  Keep it up!

Dylan Trimnell:- For putting in your best effort to everything we did this week.  Your maturity and helpfulness is greatly appreciated.

Rayne Dinnie:- For showing great care and compassion for your environment.



Grace Arnott:- Thank you for being the most loving, caring and considerate friend to every member of our class.  I love your positive attitude to life.

Penny Rubin:- I am so proud of how hard you worked on your goal.  I love the thought you put into

how you can improve your learning.

Aliah Jurewicz:- I love your passion for positive change!  I also love your baking skills.

Alice Seddon-MacDonald:- For your mad trivia skills.  A formidable opponent.  Indeed!

Oliver Freedman:- For displaying leadership and being a good friend to all in class.

Lilli Rubin:- For her persistence during problem solving and for sharing her knowledge of 3D shapes.

Quin Rubin:- for letting yr personality shine.  We appreciate yur ideas and sense of fun.

Tim Liddelow:- For encouraging your team mates to contribute during problem solving, you're a real leader.



Kadira Horan:- for displaying great confidence in sharing your ideas in class.  Great work!



Roger Beart:- For showing fabulous focus in Science.  You are a Star!