From the Principal

Year 12 Final Assembly Speech

Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the Gundijmara people and their elders both past and present. I would also like to think we have some emerging elders in our presence who will continue the custodial role of the first peoples of this area.

Welcome to our guests, parents, staff and most importantly our wonderful students.

Congratulations to the graduating class of 2019. It has not been easy to complete 13 years of formal schooling but nothing worth doing ever is. For many of you there are still exams to come but please know that we are all here as a community to support you whenever you need help for learning, listening or just some advice over the next few weeks.


Whilst preparing for this speech I thought about how I would describe this cohort and it is this:

You are a welcoming, caring, thoughtful, creative, intelligent, practical and conscientious group of students who possess an incredibly diverse range of unique skills. You also looked very convincing dressed up as the teaching staff of the past and present and what a fun day it was for the staff getting back into school uniform for the day. Thank you also for trying to look after me by selling off my car at such a bargain price. I have enjoyed speaking to many potential buyers today.


Whilst we hope that your years here have given you the skills and knowledge to succeed in the world, we also know you are not going to meet the challenges ahead if you are not prepared to continually show courage, be prepared to fail so that you may improve.  What you learn after you leave here will be as important as anything you have learned before.


In 2019 the youth of the planet started to use their voice in support of Governments taking responsibility and acting on climate change. This is the world we are handing over to you to caretake and you will need to be better than those who have gone before armed with the knowledge that the planet is resilient but needs your help.


Change is rapid and there are more and more changes each day. What is different now than in the past is that the phones of today you hold in your hands are 10 times more powerful than the computers of 20 years ago. You are now a recorder and reporter of news through social media and with that comes some great responsibility and also consequences when used incorrectly. You, as the leaders of the community of the future will be charged with the responsibility of guiding the next wave of youth to learn how to manage this power respectfully.


You can now work remotely using the internet, beam in to workplaces all over the world and share your expertise and opinion in an instant. The jobs of the future require a different set of skills to build and maintain relationships and to communicate without offence.

The jobs you may have in 10 years may not even exist yet and this is why skills are going to be as important as content knowledge once was.


Regardless of the technology, the basic human traits that you all have of inclusiveness, problem solving, collaboration and integrity will still be as valued in your future as they are now.

Your time is limited so don’t waste it listening to others who wish to drag you down but instead help those around you by listening to them and helping them to achieve their dreams whilst having the courage to follow your heart and ambition. This way you can measure your success by the number of friends you have around you rather than the amount of things you own.


Take calculated risks and fail small but often so you can continue to learn and eventually achieve big.

Thank you to all of you for being leaders at the school and taking on a range of roles and a special mention to School Captains Daniel and Ksenja.  Student leaders Chandler and Leah, House leaders Mikayla and Darcy, Peter and Caiden, Ollie and Sophie, Courtney and Charlotte. Thank you also to all of you who have taken on leadership roles as a SRC representatives, Form Captains or sports leaders over your Baimbridge College years in the past. Thank you for your dress up days, fundraising efforts, feedback, and leadership. Thank you also for the way you have carried yourself on your celebration day. You have been exposed to so many subject areas during your years and the next direction you choose is finally and entirely up to you.


In closing, be proud to be a life member of a thriving, inclusive and welcoming learning community and know that you leave here independent, courageous and ready for your next big adventure. Never be afraid or embarrassed to just be you because you are amazing. Congratulations and good luck. Thank you.