Show Team

Show team compete at Bathurst
Our dedicated show team were up before 6am on Sunday the 23rd February for the Bathurst Diamond Fibre Angora Goat Show. The team consisted of Rowan Miller, Claire Miller, Hunter Chown, Makayla Townsend, George Betts and Bronte Chown, with Bree Chown from Primary joining the team for the event.
This was the team’s first show for the season with both our stud animals, wether teams and fleece entered.
The day started off with the fleeces, where our entry had some tough competition from the other breeders. After spending hours pulling grass seeds and skirting the fleece, this result was very pleasing for us.
Next up were our 4 month old twins Alexia and Georgia, who came up again stiff competition from older animals. Our girls did not get a ribbon this time, but in future shows will be competing against animals closer to their age and will hopefully achieve better results.
Old mumma Camille was next in the ring, proudly lead by our youngest team member Bree. They came away with a commendable second place ribbon and very nice comments from the judge.
The wether teams were judged on how similar the three animals were in terms of fleece characteristics and conformation. Our older team won first place over the younger boys due to their greater similarity in size.
The paraders competition involves the student leading a goat around the show ring for the judge. This event is all about the handler and how well you can lead and present your animal for the judge. George Betts was awarded second prize and Rowan Miller third. All students were given some good pointers from the judge in how they can improve for the next shows.
After a quick lunch the students were back in the ring for junior judging. Here the students try their hand at judging both animals and fleeces. For most of our students this was their first time in this competition and I commend them all for having a go. George Betts, Claire Miller and Bronte Chown were awarded fifth, fourth and third respectively.
We are now preparing for the National Angora Show and Royal Easter Show coming up later in the term.