Year 1/2 News

During Religion lessons Year 1/2 have engaged in a variety of Prayers and explored the different signs and symbols used during this sacred time. They spent time writing and sharing their own prayers and discussing how and why Prayer is so important in our community.
Recently, students found a sacred space outside where they reflected on what they knew about God and Prayer. They drew symbols and wrote letters and prayers to God.
Year 1/2 have been using the Smiling Mind program to identify and practise emotional responses that account for their own and others’ feelings. They have explored ways that their bodies respond when experiencing a particular emotion. They have related their emotions to weather, for example if they are feeling angry they may associate this with stormy weather.
Below are some photos of the children sharing the strategies they use to regulate their emotions and help them go from a cloudy day to a sunny day.
Essential Assessment Maths Tasks
All Year 1/2 students will be bringing home their own personal login details for Essential Assessment this week. Online tasks will be set that aline with the current maths unit focus. These tasks will change every 2-3 weeks. The students are encouraged to log on and complete these tasks in order to practise the skills taught at school.
Specialist lessons for Year 1/2 are every Tuesday. Students must wear sports uniform on this day.
Please ensure your child's belongings (hats, jumpers, lunchboxes, drink bottles) are clearly labelled.
All students must bring a hat to school every day.
Please bring along a Writer's Notebook seed to your homeroom and place in the 'seeds' box.
Important Dates
Whole School Assembly - Friday 25th February
Whole school closure -Tuesday 8th March
Learning Intentions
Contact Details
Jackie Moloney
Melanie Pizzonia
Paige Frazer
Phoebe Tune
Georgia Cavin
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm