Foundation News

What's the Latest in Foundation?
It is great to see Foundation students settling into the routine of being at school. Students are anticipating events by referring to our visual schedule, and with support, they are developing their independence and social skills when playing outside during recess breaks. Students are practising inviting a friend to play, and they are also engaging in a positive way with their peers in and out of the learning space. Foundation students are learning to show tolerance and patience. These qualities relate to our Term One Gospel value of 'Acceptance'.
The children have enjoyed the experience of investigative play each morning, which has allowed them to interact with their peers, make friends, develop their social and language skills and learn through play and exploration.
We look forward to seeing the children's independence and confidence continue to grow this term.
Writing & Religion
Recently, as part of Religion, students in Foundation read the story of 'The Lost Sheep'. They identified ways the shepherd was a good leader. Looking for one lost sheep when there were 99 others left was a caring thing to do.
The children were then asked to think about Jesus and his leadership. Students came to the conclusion that Jesus is a good leader because even if/when we stray or we are a bit naughty, Jesus forgives us, he welcomes us back and he loves us.
Following on from this, during writing, students were asked to think about someone they know who is a good leader. They identified the qualities of effective leaders and learnt that everyone (irrespective of age), has the capacity to be a good leader.
Here are some examples of students' writing:
As part of Maths, students in Foundation have been learning about patterns. Patterns are things that repeat in a logical way, like vertical stripes on a jumper. They can be numbers, images or shapes. Patterns help children make predictions because they begin to understand what comes next. Patterns also help children learn how to make logical connections and use reasoning skills.
Foundation students have used a range of objects to make patterns. They have learnt to create 'a mental stamp' to help them identify and recall patterns. Some students even had a turn at creating musical patterns!
Last week, we went for a walk outside the classroom and took photos of patterns in our school environment. It quickly became obvious to the children that there are patterns everywhere!
Just a reminder, it is an expectation that reading diaries are brought to school every Thursday and Homework Word Books are brought to school every Friday for teachers to review.
We also encourage your child to complete Maths tasks that have been assigned as part of Essential Maths, and reading tasks that can be accessed in Reading Eggs. Login details for both sites are located on the inside back cover of your child's reading diary.
Finally, library books may be borrowed from the library each Friday, if your child has their library bag.
Lost Property
Please check your child's personal belongings are clearly named. Several children in Foundation are currently missing their jumper and hat. It is part of our SunSmart & school policy that all children wear a hat when outside. If your child has lost their school hat, please supply them with another hat from home until their school hat is found.
Please note, the Foundation space is cleared by teachers every day. We ensure lost items are returned to students ASAP. We encourage you to look through the general lost property tub at the office before sending an email.
Specialist Lessons
As of next week, Foundation students will attend school full-time. This means specialist classes will be commencing next week.
Specialist classes will take place each Wednesday. We ask that your child wears their sports uniform on this day.
Important Dates
Whole School Assembly - Friday 25th February
Foundation begin full weeks (Monday - Friday) Week beginning Monday 28/02
School closure day -Tuesday 7th March
Week 5 & 6 Learning Intentions
Click on the attachment to find out what students will be learning in the next fortnight.
The timetable for Week 5 & 6 will be sent via Skoolbag at the end of this week. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Contact Details
Lorraine Uzunovski (FL)
Michelle Slattery (FM)
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm