
Easter Liturgy

During our final College Assembly last term, our students participated in our annual Easter Liturgy. The theme of our liturgy was ‘I will rise’, attributed to the message we take from Jesus’ passion, detailed in the Stations of the Cross. Jesus fell three times as he carried his cross and each time he stood again.In falling and getting back up again Jesus’ courage and perseverance acts as an example for us. Jesus shows us the way as we encounter disturbances and obstacles in our own lives. Our theme focused on the question: how can we rise as Jesus did?

The Liturgy, led by Miss Fonte was a moving tribute to this theme and featured the placing of symbols at the foot of the cross by the Studies in Catholic Thought Year 11 Students and a dramatic re-enactment of Jesus as he fell, multiple times, by the Year 11 Drama Class.

Thank you to all the students and teachers who contributed their time and creative energy to this beautiful liturgy in preparation for the season of Easter.   


Lenten Charitable Program

During Lent we are called to prayer, fasting and charity in order to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made in giving his life for all to be saved, it’s a call for renewal, for spiritual cleansing and awareness. In so doing, we have focused our attention on the Caritas Australia’s (the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development) Project Compassion fundraising and the local Wagga Wagga, Vinnies Easter Raffle.  


Our Project Compassion donations as a College totalled to $2,269.35 which will help a remote indigenous community establish a sustainable livelihood in the forests of Indonesia, provide three community bush picnics for First Australians, buy school supplies for 10 students in Zimbabwe and provide five schools with a water tap in the Solomon Islands.


We are very proud of our efforts this year, and would like to thank our students, teachers and families who have all, so generously contributed to this fundraising.


During our Easter Liturgy, last term we invited Mrs Robyn Thurston, the President of the Conference who operates Micah Hub to come and receive the proceeds of our Vinnies Easter Raffle. Robyn was delighted to come forward to receive our donation of $1,538.15. She suggested the funds would go towards supporting local families and homeless men and women over the Easter season, with food and the provision of supplies over a period of about two weeks. She shared with us the importance of local fundraising and how every dollar stays in our community to benefit those who need it most. Once again, we thank all our students, teachers and families for contributing Easter eggs towards the prizes and purchasing tickets. We hope all our prize winners enjoyed their Easter eggs!


Founders' Day Mass and Mater Dei Day

Today we celebrated our Founders' Day Mass, along with Mater Dei Day! This special day of celebration acknowledges and pays tribute to the charisms of Venerable Nano Nagle and Blessed Edmund Rice, and their respective Religious Orders; the Presentation Sisters and Christian Brothers who instituted Catholic Education in Wagga Wagga.

The rich heritage of our dual charisms continues to permeate our hearts and help sustain our College's mission and vision, as we strive for equality and social justice in our world, through education.


We remember the founders of these two spiritual families and unite together to celebrate them as ‘beacons of the light’, who continue to inspire and guide us on our path. Venerable Nano Nagle, the founder of the Presentation Sisters became an inspiration for Blessed Edmund Rice, the founder of the Christian Brothers. Sisters and Brothers of these two Religious Orders bravely journeyed to Wagga Wagga from their home Ireland in the late 1800’s to continue their mission of bringing Catholic education to those who were underprivileged and isolated in all corners of the earth.


Because of their commitment to see the light in each child, we are the on-going recipients of the gifts of their charism. It is important for us to reflect on the values and attributes of these significant Christians, Edmund and Nano, as we consider our role to walk the path with compassion, dignity and love as we animate their character in our own lives.


We continue to give thanks for the lives and example of Edmund and Nano, and all those men and women who subsequently joined religious orders, ready to follow in their charism. Their example of selfless dedication to vocation encourages us all. They have become our beacons of light and continue to inspire us to set our sights on guiding the path of the next generation.


We pray, that like our Founders, we may become people of determination and courage; ready to reach out, ready to embrace life and learning, ready to risk ourselves, and ready to care for the lost, the least and the last, in service and abiding love.  

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Mrs Amelia Bright | Acting Leader of Mission