Year 7

We would like to congratulate the Year 7 cohort on a fantastic start to the year. The ‘Start Up’ program introduced the school’s processes and helped students feel confident with the daily happenings of being a student at CHS. Students have now settled into their Home Groups and have started building some great relationships with each other, and the staff. Students are studying a range of subjects new to them and are able to engage in a diverse range of activities. We encourage the Year 7s and their families to keep a lookout on Compass for clubs, leadership roles, sports, and other wide-ranging opportunities to engage with outside of the classroom.
The festivities for Term 1 have continued over the last few weeks, with our Year 7 students participating in a range of engaging extracurricular activities, including the annual CHS swimming carnival, Humanities excursion to the Melbourne Museum and the meet the teacher evening.
Coburg swimming pool was a sea of colour for the annual CHS swimming carnival, with Year 7 students showing their house pride by dressing up in fun and colourful outfits that showcased their creativity. The Year 7 students competed for their houses in a range of traditional swimming stroke events, as well as many novelty events such as the bomb competition and inflatables race. Many of the Year 7 students also got involved in the dance party held on the pool deck and said it was a real highlight of the day.
As part of their first nations in Humanities, students travelled by tram along Nicholson Street to the Melbourne Museum, where they explored the Forest Gallery and Melbourne Story Exhibitions as a precursor to the Liveability unit, before undertaking a self-guided trail through the First People’s Exhibition, drawing links to their Indigenous Australia unit currently being studied at school.
On the evening of Tuesday 15th February, the meet the teacher evening was held by the school deck for our new Year 7 families. It was great to see so many students attend with their parents, developing connections with the teaching staff of CHS.
A big congratulations also to the students voted in by their peers as Student Voice Leaders for their respective Year 7 classes.
Kat, Angela, Tom and James
Year 7 Student Support Team
Swimming Carnival
Last Thursday on the 10th of February, students and teachers participated in the CHS swimming carnival in Coburg Olympic pool. Students did well wearing bright colours to represent their house. There were many fun novelty games and races set for all including the noodle race, inflatable race, the great ball scramble, basketball shootout and bomb competition. Don't forget the amazing disco/dance competition where all students and teachers tested their moves against the well known songs played by DJ Hannah. The competitive side of many students was evident as they fought for a ribbon in the formal races. After all the racing and games, everyone was able to get a well earned snack from the sausage sizzle run by the entrepreneurs club.
“I had a fantastic time at the carnival, but my favourite event was the disco where we all danced as one and teachers, like Ohad, busted out moves for the school”
Holly D
Over the course of Week 4, Year 7 Humanities classes set off to explore the wonders of the Melbourne Museum. Students rode the tram along Lygon street and walked past all the exciting cafes and restaurants. When students arrived they were greeted by the friendly staff and went to take a look at the general gallery and the rainforest room. After a sunny lunch outside students headed to the most important part of the visit, the First People Exhibit. There, students learnt about the Victorian language groups of the Aboriginal Australians, the creation story and Indigenous connection to the country.
Jemma and Valentine 7J
Induction at the library
Movies, Tech experts, books, this place has it all!
The year seven students all got a chance to have an ‘induction’ at the library which was basically a personal tour with the wonderful librarian. She told us all the rules, no eating, you can only drink water in the library. Then we got introduced with the two tech guys and got told where the charging place is, by the way sorry no, you can’t charge your phones there. Also she all told us about the CHS library website and the movies on Clickview, the borrowing system and that we would get our own library cards! Then after all the explanations were given, we were free to roam around, look for books and borrow them. It was really great to know where everything is, to know how to get on to the website and to know where to go if our computers act up! All in all it was very helpful and fun.
Ivy P - Year 7