Health & Wellbeing

Wellbeing Team
Meet the Coburg High Wellbeing Team for 2022.
Nicole Neale
Student Wellbeing & Inclusion Leader
Pek Lin Cerase
Student Wellbeing Officer
Sasha Martin
Mental Health Practitioner
Steve Huf
Youth Worker
First Aid
Ashlea Christenson
Student Medical Officer
Emma (& Rex) Ford
Careers Officer
Asthma & Anaphylaxis Action Plans (due 1 March 2022)
If your child has been diagnosed with Asthma or Anaphylaxis, we are required to have a current Action Plan on file from your GP. If you have already handed one in then please disregard this notice.
Plans can be submitted either via email at or can be handed in to Reception.
If you currently have medication and/or Action Plans at school and would like the medical officer to check the expiry dates, please send an email to Ash at the above email address.
**Please note Asthma & Anaphylaxis Plans are only valid for 12 months and must be updated Annually**
Year 7 & 10 Immunisations
Dear Parents/Guardians, on Thursday 31 March Moreland City Council’s Immunisation Service will visit the school to provide a free immunisation program to all year 7 and 10 students. Even if you are declining immunisation through the school program you need to complete card that was given to you as part of your child’s enrolment pack and return it to the school to ensure accurate records.
FIRST: Read the booklet, tear off the consent card and complete all details on the front, including your child’s Medicare number (if you have one) & your contact details. Even if you are declining we need your child’s details to ensure accurate records.
YES: To consent please sign, date and tick the YES box inside the card FOR EACH APPLICABLE VACCINE.
NO: To decline or advise of vaccination elsewhere please tick the NO or elsewhere box inside the card FOR EACH APPLICABLE VACCINE.
Immunisation cards can be left at Reception.
Remember: choosing to not comply with the essential early childhood vaccination schedule may change your Child Care Benefit, Child Care Rebate and/or Family Tax Benefit. You should check with the Department of Health website to see how this affects you by visiting:
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club runs twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8.00am to 8.45am. Some of the items we have are:
cheese toasties, toast with different condiments, cereal, milk, two fruits, cereal bars, and packets of healthy snacks.