Acting Principal's Report

Start of 2022
The last couple of years have thrown up all manner of new COVID challenges and the beginning of the 2022 school year has continued that trend! Air purifiers, rapid antigen tests and masks have been new features of this school year, with the first two of those will be here for quite a while longer. As almost everyone will be across by now, masks will not be required to be worn by students and staff from next Monday, which we know will be a relief to many students and staff. For those members of our school community who wish to wear a mask, we fully support that decision.
Members of our school community have been impacted by the omicron variant, and our thoughts are with those people, whether that impact has been them being sick or needing to isolate, which we know can be a burden. There has been a downward trend in the number of people who have been potentially infectious whilst on school grounds across these first four weeks, in line with the slow downward trend across the state. Today, for the first time in a number of weeks, there is no daily 'COVID Exposure Notification' email as we have no new student or staff cases reported to us overnight. Of course, I hesitate in reporting this, knowing that such a trend can turn around at any time and knowing that this is not the case in all schools. In fact, one of the significant effects that we are facing at the moment is the limited number of Casual Relief Teachers (CRT) available to fill in. Any interested CRTs are encouraged to make contact with Angela or Carol in the General Office (9353 1700).
In spite of the many COVID challenges of the first four weeks, it has been an action-packed start to the year, with many extracurricular activities and clubs beginning again and excursions and events taking place. This newsletter contains many of these highlights.
School Captains
I recently had the pleasure of meeting with our School Captains, Merched, Luna, Zoe and Mia, to talk about their plans for the year. It was great to hear both what they would like to achieve and how they can make those ideas happen. You can read more from the School Captains later in this newsletter.
Works around the school
Over the holidays we received an additional four portable classrooms - one Science, one Art and two General Purpose classrooms. The classrooms nearest the Cafe have been installed away from the other portables so that they are most suitable for VCE exams.
In collaboration with Moreland Council, a 'swale' has been created nearby to the Principal's office. This area has typically become boggy after rain, so the regrading works and addition of stones should alleviate this issue. Thanks to Anna Vella for overseeing these works. It's not surprising that this spot has typically been wet, given that the photo below shows it was once a creek when it formed part of the Pentridge grounds. Plantings will go in later in the year, to accompany the additional seating which has been able to be provided to students.
The first of our two shade sails was installed over the stage near the Cafe, and looks fantastic. Students have been enjoying this at break times and it can also be used for student performances across the year.
Meet the Teacher evening
The first official use of the shade sail was for our Year 7 Meet the Teacher evening on Tuesday 15 February. It was great to speak to many new students and their parents about their positive transition into the school and first few weeks of classes.
School Council corner
The first School Council meeting of the year took place last week. Items discussed included destinations data of our Class of 2021, a report from our active Parents Association and actions to improve the CHS facilities and local bike and road safety through state government funding requests. There was a request for an increase in the number of bike spots for students, which have already been installed.
Brent Houghton
Acting Principal