Beaumaris Fitness Club

Years 9 - 11

Reaching out to all students in Year 9, 10 & 11!

The Beaumaris Fitness Club will be up and running as of next week (Week 3). If you are interested in attending a morning fitness session in our Fitness Centre to improve your overall health and wellbeing, then this club is for you.


Each morning students from Year 9 – 11 will have the opportunity to use the Fitness Centre in a supervised and safe environment. Students can follow along with our teacher run sessions or complete their own individualised program (teacher approved). As space is limited in the Fitness Centre, students will be allocated a day for each year level.

Day Year level
MondayYear 9
TuesdayYear 10
WednesdayYear 11
ThursdayYear 9 - 11
FridayYear 9 - 11

Sessions will run from 8:00am – 8:40am. We encourage students to arrive at 7:55am and meet the supervising teacher in the Gym foyer and bring a water and towel.


If students do not have Healthy Lifestyles practical on the allocated day, they will be required to change into their academic uniform.


If you have any further questions, feel free to talk to your child’s Healthy Lifestyles teacher.


The Healthy Lifestyles Team