From the Wellbeing Leader

Carly Bergen 

Madhavi Nawana Parker- Educator Wellbeing

Yesterday our staff were fortunate to attend an online zoom session with Madhavi Nawana Parker from Positive Minds Australia. Madhavi works to build the confidence, resilience, social emotional intelligence and wellbeing in young people, families, schools and organisations.

She taught us that the most effective way to improve one’s wellbeing are daily acts that can be done frequently and consistently. She asked us to think about our daily rituals like brushing our teeth, morning coffee, drive from work and think about a way we could attach a wellbeing practise to a daily ritual. 

Madhavi shared the importance of doing more things that bring joy and doing less of the things that bring you stress. She posed the following questions to us:

  • What makes me happy and peaceful?
  • Where do I get my healthy fuel from?
  • What drains me and what leads to stress and anxiety?
  • Where do I get unhealthy fuel from?

Next week, I’ll share more of the practical ways we can support our wellbeing and some strategies you may want to implement as a family.

Chapel and Assembly

Chapel and Assemblies will continue to be livestreamed on our closed group on Facebook each week. 

Please note that our first whole school Assembly will be in Week 7 (Friday 18 March) led by the Seniors.

2022 Class Carers and Friendly Faces

We are looking for parents/caregivers who would like to be a class carer or friendly face for 2022. 

A class carer is someone who works cooperatively to support the classroom teacher with any areas of need for families. They are there to provide a listening ear to school families and may choose to organise family or parent social events.

Our Friendly Face program which aims to foster and build relationships with new families entering the school community.  Current families in the school are ‘buddied up’ with new families to the school to ease the transition process and encourage new relationships to develop, which in turn helps build community.  This also provides support for new families and may enable them to have another way to access information regarding school and classroom routines.

If you are interested in either of these roles for the 2022 school year or wish to find out further information, please email 



School volunteers

Although we are unable to have volunteers on site for the meantime, you are still able to register for the 2022 year. If you wish to be a volunteer at St Paul Lutheran, you can speak with someone in our admin team and a pack can be emailed or sent home with your child. All volunteers require a valid DCSI or WWCC clearance, proof of their double vaccination and need to complete the Valuing Safe Communities training. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Carly Bergen 





Carly Bergen | Wellbeing Leader