Staff in the Spotlight 

Staff in the Spotlight 

With so many staff joining our team this year, we would like to give our school community the opportunity to get to know our new teachers in a fun way. Each week we will be spotlighting a new staff member and sharing with you all sorts of fun and interesting stories about who they are and most importantly, why they became a teacher and what they love most about teaching!



This week we are introducing Jess Quinn. Jess is a very experienced leader and teacher and is one of our new Learning Specialists. Jess teaches Humanities and specialises in VCE Business Management, Economics and Legal Studies


How long have you been teaching?

I started teaching in 2003


What school/university or organisation have you come from?

I did a Bachelor of Arts at Monash Uni and my Dip Ed at Melbourne. 


Why did you decide to become a teacher?

I thought 12 weeks of holidays sounded amazing.  Fortunately, I discovered I loved teaching as well.


What do you love most about teaching?

Everyday is different and you are constantly learning new ways to teach and build rapport with young people.


What has been one of your best teaching moments?

Meeting Philip Lowe (Gov of the RBA) and one of my Year 12 Economics students. 


What are three things you would like your students to know about you?

I love a good philosophical chat, I want to make a difference and I love chocolate.


Where's your favourite holiday destination?



What are tv show/series did you last binge watch?

Ozark - I have been in love with all things Jason Bateman since the Hogan Family 


If you could wear Harry's invisibility cloak for one day, where would you go and what would you do?

Into the private quarters of Kensington Palace. I'd love to see the real family dynamics as a closet Royalist


What is the one piece of 'advice' or the one thing that you always say to your students?

Hard work beats talent if talent doesn't work hard