From the Principal's Desk

Book Club
The first catalogue of the Scholastic Book Club went home with the children this week. For those new to Book Club, the catalogues come out once a term and are voluntary. It is an opportunity to purchase cheaper books for your child and support the school. 20% of the price is donated back to Corpus Christi to purchase educational products. Your order is delivered to the school, sorted and distributed to your child in class, free of charge. All ordering is completed online using the book club loop.
To join, just create an account and register each of your children and their corresponding class. For more information please go to:
Book Club - Parents | Scholastic Australia Parents Reading brings a sense of unparalleled joy and ignites a spark of adventure, and Scholastic hopes to light this spark within every child. |
To order via the loop, please click the link below:
This displays additional information on the item in the catalogue only. To order items please select the ORDER tab when logged in. |
Orders must be placed by 5pm on the 4th of March. After this time, the loop will be locked for delivery. You can expect the books a fortnight or so after this date.
Book Club Co-ordinator
After 4 years running the Book Club, our c0-ordinator, Kylie Feely, is stepping away as coordinator due to work commitments.
Kylie has worked hard to promote Book Club within our community and it is through those efforts that make Book Club such an exciting time of the term for our children. There is always a 'buzz' around the school when catalogues are distributed and children start devising their wish lists with their friends.
We thank Kylie for all her dedication, enthusiasm and organisation and now we need to find a volunteer replacement to continue the role. The role takes approximately 2 hours a term.
Kylie has kindly offered to provide initial support and training so if you are interested and would like to volunteer please respond via email to :
Alternatively, you may like to team up with a friend or two so once again please respond via email to :
Student Leadership
Over the past week, students in Year 5/6 interested in applying for Student Leader positions, have been studiously compiling their written applications and rehearsing presentations.
This Friday they will have the opportunity to present themselves along with what they have to offer through our interview process. Children will be notified the same day and the successful candidates will be presented to our school community at next Monday's Assembly.
We wish them all the very best!
Open Week
Next week information flyers will be delivered to our neighboring kindergartens advertising our upcoming Open Week scheduled for Tuesay 8th - Friday 11th March between the hours of 9:00am - 11:00am.
During Open Week families will be able to book in for a student-led tour of the school to view our community in action.
Should you know of any family looking for a placement for Year Prep 2023, you may like to direct them to the link below to book a time.
Getting to Know You Learning Conferences
As communicated in detail last week, our Year Prep-6 Learning Conferences will now be held face-to-face next Wednesday 23rd February between 2:00pm - 8:00pm.
The Learning Conferences will provide an opportunity for us to give you a brief insight into what we have been able to ascertain through various assessments to date but more importantly allow for the sharing of information between home and school. It is a 'meet and greet' with depth. A time for you to share with us those little things that we need to know to help your child experience success at school, socially and academically. And an opportunity to develop shared goals and aspirations.
As the child is at the heart of all we do, we encourage them to attend the meeting with you, at least for part thereof.
Families are to use School Interviews Online to manage bookings. Please go to and enter the event code of: r2e43 to book interviews for the times that suit your family.
Please note that all children in Years Prep to Year 6 will be dismissed at 1:00 pm this day.
For the first part of term our weekly assemblies need to be conducted remotely. Assemblies are held on Monday mornings commencing at 9:00am sharp.
Families wishing to tune in, can do so by connecting to
Health Care Cards & Camps Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)
A reminder that families who hold a valid Health Care Card for the 2022 year are able to receive a government rebate through the Camp, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) which is currently set at $125 per primary aged child. Applications for the CSEF can be collected from the school office.
We also offer a further rebate of $175 for eligible families to assist with fee and levy commitments.
We encourage all families who hold a Health Care Card to submit details to the school office by the end of March.
School Closure Day
Please be advised that our first School Closure Day: Staff Professional Development Day for the year is scheduled for Monday 7th March. There will be NO SCHOOL for students on this day.
Have a wonderful week
God bless
Anthony Hyde