What we've been up to...

Senior Secondary Digital Magazine
Check out the first ever digital magazine created by Senior Secondary students who are working towards completing their Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies.
Senior Secondary Camp
Last week our Seniors spent 3 days at Coolwaters for their camp.
Day 1: Our Seniors left RNSS in the morning and went straight to Waterpark Farm and did a tour of Waterpark Creek on an electric powered boat and participated in a tour of the Tea Tree plantation and oil distillery. Back at camp they utilised the Jumping Pillow, Water Park and played Tennis had fish and chips on the bank of Causeway Lake for dinner.
Day 2: Spent the day at Great Keppel Island, where they participated in kayaking, sandcastle building, seashore walks to observe the marine wildlife and eco system and did lots of swimming! Students returned to Coolwaters for a movie night.
Day 3: Trekked up Kemp Hill and spotted turtles from the lookout! They had lunch from Subway on the Yeppoon main beach and arrived back at school that afternoon exhausted from their busy week.
They had a fantastic time!
The Candy Bar
Thank you to local small business The Candy Bar for supporting senior secondary students completing a Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies. Students created an submitted advertisements for selection by business owner.
~ Created by Rory