Upper Primary 2

What's been happening?

Upper Primary 2 have been on a Safari this term. 


At the end of the term 3, we visited the Rockhampton Zoo, where we saw a lot of different animals. 

They have read a number of books Fiction and Non-Fiction about different types of animals. We learnt about their habitats and what they need to survive, like food, water, shelter and sun to live, just like ourselves.  

Each week we have look at different animals around the world and here in Australia. 

The students researched Australian animals and the states of Australia, and found which state each animal lives in. 

We have made a number of animals and have learnt how to write an informative report about each one. 

In Maths they have learnt that our Australian coins also have our native animals on them. 

The students have enjoyed researching and understand why we must protect these different habitats for our native animals to survive for ever.