Vera Dudas
Multicultural Community Liaison Officer
The Multicultural Committee members at our last meeting held on Friday 10 October were constructive in discussing and putting the final touches to the Multicultural Festival preparation. We were very lucky to have our newest members on the Committee: Titit, from City of Greater Geelong, helping with the planning in the background with our students, and Katheryn, from Emerging Brand Africa, contributing to the Multicultural festival. All the hard work from many weeks of planning came to a crescendo at NGSC on Friday 21 October, with the amazing celebration of cultures at the Multicultural Festival. “Woven together" was this year's theme and it came to life with a myriad of colour, song, music and gourmet foods. The weather was kind and it only added more to the festive atmosphere with people chatting, sounds of music, dance and the loud screams of excited children from the rides and the Thomas the Tank Engine train. I wish to say a huge thank you to all staff, parents, students and community members for their generosity of cake donations. We exceeded our expectations once again and now we can proudly announce that our cake stall has become not only the best in Geelong, but also in the State. Credit to all who contributed in any way, for the overwhelming donation of delicious cakes, sweets and nuts. Also, I would like to thank everyone in the cake stall team for working tirelessly setting it up, cleaning up and packing at the end of the festival. A special thanks to Dragana Skoric (former NGSC student) and her cake business "The Peach Cakes and Sweets" who donated time and spent the day demonstrating gourmet skills of how to make her famous peach desserts and other cakes on offer. It was a showstopper. Congratulations on a job well done to Mrs McGrath on coordinating it all and making it happen prior to and on the festival day. It all came together and fitted in like clockwork. The Multicultural Festival was an outstanding success due to the great teamwork of the NGSC Community, staff and students. The final meeting of the Multicultural Committee will be on Monday 7 November at 12:45 pm when we will reflect on the Multicultural Festival and celebrate this year’s achievements. Parents and community friends are welcome to attend and share our final meeting.
Term 3 Basketball Tournament
During Term 3, a 3v3 basketball tournament was held for each Sub School. We rotated through 20 different teams with all Year levels. I’d like to just say thank you to all the students and teachers that were involved with the tournaments and also a special thank you to Mr Dawson and Mr Headlam for being referees.
The winners were:
Junior Sub School: Marceilus Povey, Wyatt Keith, Alex
Middle Sub School: Brodie Smith, James Reed, Tyler Treble
Senior Sub School: Caleb Spain, Adam Grigsby, Ben Day
Article by
Blake Horvat, Seth Posilovic, Asjad Ali and Thomas McKinnin
Linda Castle
LOTE Teacher
LOTE Corner - Japanese
The Japanese Film Festival returns in 2022, running from 30 November to 4 December. Films will be screened at The Kino (Palace Cinemas, 45 Collins Street) in Melbourne, and at ACMI, Federation Square.
Films screened at The Kino and Acmi follow the attached schedule. Please check the website (https://japanesefilmfestival.net/films-schedule/?city=melbourne) for classification ratings. Tickets start at $20 Adult, $18 Concession, $16 JPF or Palace Cinema Members.
Please check the movie rating before buying tickets.
#onigiriaction is on for 2022 from 6 October to 6 November 2022.Upload any kind of image that you have created of onigiri (rice balls) with the hashtag #onigiriaction and the sponsors will donate 5 school lunches to kids in need. You can upload your images to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or directly on the Table for Two or the Onigiri Action 2022 websites. You do not have to be in the picture. You can do a drawing. If you are making it, you only need cooked rice (short or medium grain works best) and maybe a little salt to bring out the umami of the rice. Nori (seaweed) is not necessary though it is very popular in Japan. Alternatively, through freerice.com (https://freerice.com), the World Food Programme raises awareness and funds for providing food around the world to people in need through every question you answer correctly (ads sponsor the food).
Please check with your family adults about what you are posting online. Be Cyber Safe!