UNITE – Upcoming College Events
We are looking forward to finishing the year by welcoming our families back into the physical school community for some important and exciting events.
Thursday November 24th we will be hosting Artwave at the College from 5pm to 7.30pm. We have held ArtWave virtually for the past two years so we are very happy that this year we can showcase the talents of our young people in person this year. Artwave will include an exhibition of student work from the Arts, Visual Arts, Media and Materials Technology learning areas, plus some performances from our Music students. Our Food Technology staff and students will also be here on the night to provide an array of nibbles for you to enjoy.
We look forward to having you here and please spread the word as this event is open to the whole Surf Coast community!
Awards Night
Monday December 12th will be the Awards Night for the College this year where we can celebrate our young people who have demonstrated academic growth, a commitment to demonstrating excellent learning behaviours and been exceptional citizens of the College during 2022. Invitations to the Awards Night will be sent to families via email in early December, so look out for this in your inbox. This year, we will return to Costa Hall for the Awards Night. We held our 2019 Awards at this venue and it was wonderful to see so many of the SCSC community present to celebrate the achievements of the year. Please contact Assistant Principal, Rachel Barney, if you do have any questions related to the Awards Night.
FLOURISH – New Equipment for the College
The installation of new outdoor fitness equipment will commence in late November, once the Year 11 and 12 exams have finished.
This equipment which is pictured will be placed near the basketball half court that is near the canteen, where the kitchen garden is also located. The outdoor fitness equipment has been partially funded by a Federal Grant that Libby Coker’s team provided to the College earlier this year. This equipment will be a wonderful addition to our options for active play for students at break times and we look forward to introducing this to Year 7 to 9 students in the final weeks of this year once installation has been completed.
Strive – Uniform Expectations
Last newsletter I referred to a focus on ensuring that uniform was being worn by all students as we complete our final weeks of the 2022 school year. By the time you read this, specific information addressing this will have also been sent via Compass to all families.
At SCSC, there are many uniform options for our students including an active uniform that means that students do not have to wear the formal uniform at all times.
Here are some reasons why school uniforms are essential:
- Children take pride in wearing the school dress since it helps them to connect with their school—there is a sense of belonging
- A school uniform will help students to dress smartly and therefore become confident
- Students realise that they are all equal in front of the educational organisation
- Outsiders can easily recognize which school a student is from which also promotes safety in the community
Why is it important that families support the wearing of uniform at school?
By wearing the correct uniform to school each day, the College and the student are not distracted by addressing this and have more time to focus on the learning and wellbeing needs of the child.
Children from different families and socio-economic backgrounds come to the school. Since there is a lot of differences among them, it is the school uniform that acts as a catalyst in making them one. Schools have an expectation to wear uniforms so that they can help children to feel united.
With a clear expectation about school uniform in place, parents and carers do not have to worry about what clothes their children should wear to school. But, if there is a uniform in place, they do not have to worry about this aspect. If we both have the same expectation for our young people that they wear correct uniform, then parents and the school can work in partnership to support our young people to engage in this expectation.
A uniform helps children feel that they belong to a particular organisation even after many years of schooling. Coming each day to a place that you feel you belong to is important for a child’s self-esteem. It also means that the staff can have daily positive interactions with students without the need to engage in following up uniform issues, which enhances relationships and connections further.
Erin Wright
College Principal