Auslan Extra!

Howdy Families, Carers and the Armstrong Creek community,
I have received a few questions - I will answer two of the questions below and will provide answers to the other questions each fortnight going forward.
One of the questions related to which hand should be used when signing. Well, I am glad you asked… Your dominant hand (the hand with which you usually throw, pick up a cup or write with) leads. If a sign only requires one hand, use your dominant hand and if a sign requires two hands, the dominant hand leads and your non-dominant hand ‘supports’.
This one isn’t really a question but a request, what is out there that anyone can access as free online resources to learn Auslan. Off the top of my head, I recommend:
Asphyxia art, books and inspiration. In this website there is level 1 Auslan, which includes basic Auslan, opportunity to learn both vocab and concepts for how Auslan is used.
Scroll down and you will find lots of YouTube video clips.
Facebook Pages
Auslan Rocks – On this page you will find a variety of visual videos along with signs also text in comments. Great way to learn not only one sign but signs that have many different meanings.
Bring on the questions and/or challenges and I will try my best to answer and share them within this community.
Enjoy, and happy learning.