From the Alumnae 


Steph Quinn (1985) and Gemma Rice-Van Heer (2014)

 It is true for many of us that we sometimes don’t fully appreciate what we have until it is gone. 


As the end of another year fast approaches, we express our delight and gratitude that we have been able to hold and attend events in person in 2022.

On 13 September, we were elated to gather with students, their grandmothers, mothers and aunties for the Generations Afternoon Tea in the Parlour.  Some took the opportunity to walk the corridors of old and view the new buildings and facilities.  It was a beautiful afternoon.  The buzz was almost akin to that heard at some of our Alumnae reunions. 


We have been overjoyed that our reunions were able to recommence this year.   For many, the restrictions and limitations imposed by COVID in recent years has brought into sharp focus the importance of community and that the chance to connect/reconnect with others in person can be invaluable.   


On 6 October, upon their impending transition from students to Alumnae, we met with the current Year 12 cohort to remind each of them that as a child of the Sacred Heart they will never be alone and to wish them all the very best for their exams, future adventures and endeavours. They then set off to engage in the magical tradition of the Procession of the Lanterns.



In Cor Unum

Steph Quinn (1985)

Gemma Rice-Van Heer (2014)