Student Learning
Reading: The students have been learning the 'oi' and 'oy' digraph. They continue to look at how to self-correct if their book doesn't make sense by using clues on the page to help. They have also identified how the characters in their book might feel and how their feelings change throughout the book.
Writing: The students have worked really hard to publish their second narrative. We are really proud of their efforts as they continue to create some brilliant pieces.
They have already started learning how to write a persuasive text. After lots of discussion, they chose a topic they felt strongly about and included 3 reasons to support their point of view.
Maths: The students have been practised reading a clock. They have looked at time duration and ordered things based on how long it takes to complete the task.
Sport: The students have had a blast learning how to play cricket.
Art: Students enjoyed using watercolour pencils to add bright colour to their house pictures. It was like magic watching the pencil on the paper turn to watercolour paint!
Year 1/2
Mappen: During Mappen students had the opportunity to design and then build their own robots. Students had a lot of fun completing this challenge and came up with some very creative designs.
Spelling: Students have been practising their contractions in spelling. This is where they combine two or more other words in a shortened form, usually with an apostrophe. Words such as I'll, I've, can't and it's are all examples of contractions.
Art: Students enjoyed making a Halloween house for their pumpkins they had made. We ended up with lots of unique and creative houses!
They have then been learning to work cooperatively with a partner in art. This included discussing ideas, taking turns and sharing the workload. They all did a fantastic job of working together and creating overlapping balloon pictures.
Year 3/4
Mappen: The 3/4s have been engaging their creative brains in Mappen, creating their very own stop-motion animation! Groups have been working hard over the term, hopefully having finished movies next week!
Year 5/6
During writing 5/6P have the opportunity to write in genres other than the current unit of work. Ben B., who is passionate about cars, wrote a persuasive letter to Nissan. Nissan sent back a heartwarming reply. Both letters can be seen below - well done Ben!
This term the 1/2 students have been analysing the author Nick Bland's craft and have been writing a story inspired by his books. They celebrated their stories by sharing with each other and some even shared with the 5/6 students. they received fantastic feedback!
Art: In commemoration of Remembrance Day Year 5/6 students made poppies out of clay and painted them.
Year 1/2 and Year 5/6 shared Reading
The 1/2 students were very excited to share their stories with the Year 5/6 students. The stories were inspired by Nick Bland's books that they have been analysing. Year 5/6 students listened enthusiastically and gave fantastic feedback.