Specialist Subjects
Auslan, Music, Physical Education and Visual Arts.
Specialist Subjects
Auslan, Music, Physical Education and Visual Arts.
We have been making Handshapes in Auslan. These are the formation of your hand when signing a particular sign. If the shape of your hand changes, then the message you are trying to convey changes.
Grade 3-6 students have been exploring other ways to play the guitar, namely using power chords (simpler chords using only 2-3 strings). The senior students have started experimenting with their own songs too.
Testing testing 1...2....
Grades 1 and 2 students have been dabbling in more advanced instruments and concepts, learning about sharp and flat notes as well as the basics of playing chords on the keyboard. Below, the students have entered "Sharps and Flats Dungeon" and are defeating beasts by pressing the correct notes as quickly as they can.
What a crazy start to term 4, the sun's meant to be out and the weather getting warmer. Instead we have had floods. For a few weeks we had a nice lake to look at instead of an oval. This has made a massive impact on the activities and special days we can run here at school. Unfortunately, this has meant we have to cancel our F-2 athletics day for 2022. We are endeavoring to find an alternative day for the students.
The F-2 students have a fun start to the term learning how to do a punt kick and have started to learn some netball skills. The senior students have learnt new cricket skills and are advancing their netball skills adapting them to game situations.