School News

Principal Report, School Programs & Initiatives, Policy Highlight

Farewell Hilary Miller

We would all like to thank Hilary for her work at Epsom Primary School as a much loved colleague and teacher from 1989-2014. We celebrate her life and will miss her dearly.

Dear Parents/Guardians,


As we move into week 6, preparations are in place for annual events such as prep transition, graduation and student report finalisation.


Grade 5/6 Camp

I was fortunate to be able to attend the grade 5/6 camp to Burnside-Anglesea, this week. While the weather wasn't representative of the usual climate for this time of year, the rain did not prevent our students from maximising the amazing opportunities that were presented to them. From flying through treetops via zip-lining, learning about how chocolate is made and then indulging in the delicacy, archery, rock climbing and mountain bike riding - we pretty much experienced it all.


A big thank you to our staff who spent time away from their families to ensure that our students were able to participate in a camp experience. Our students should be proud of the way they represented the school - a number of comments were made about their beautiful manners and their 'have a go' attitude.


BBQ Donation

I would personally like to say a big thank you to Bendigo Truss Plant for their kind donation of a six burner BBQ. This generous gift will allow us to move a BBQ around (and out) of the school for different events. Thank you for supporting our school and students - it is so appreciated.


Prep enrolment for 2023

We are currently sitting on an enrolment of 58 Foundation students for 2023. If you know of any other families within our zone who are planning to attend Epsom PS next year - please encourage them to hand in an enrolment form ASAP.



Our school is working with the Department to analyse our attendance data. We know that students who are absent from school on a regular basis miss out on so much learning. A day here or there can quickly add up to key learning concepts being missed and that child then playing 'catch-up'. 


Thank you to the parents who are coding absences and providing reasons on COMPASS. We are having a close look at the data for regular patterns and investigating the reason that these absences are occurring. Every child has a right to learn and go to school. If you ever need help or support in getting your child to school on a regular basis, please let me know:


Have a great night.


Kind regards,


Julie Ladd


Please call the office or use Compass to explain your child's absence.  It is a Department of Education and Training requirement that all student absences are explained.  As a school we will be seeking an explanation for all unexplained absences with parents and carers.  


Memorial Garden 

As you may have noticed, our original Memorial Garden, has had to be relocated. 

It was previously located near the newly constructed classrooms, in the front corner of our school grounds on Howard Street. 


Our Memorial Garden is a special place to remember past students and staff that have passed away, as well as parents that have been very hands on with their contributions to the school across many years. These special members of our Community have their names engraved on plaques to remember them by.


We have plans in motion to relocate this special spot – to just outside our current Grade 2 classrooms, within the garden bed. We have purchased a seat, pavers, plants and a sign (still on its way), and we will be aiming to place our memorial plaques on the brickwork. 

We think this will be a lovely spot to sit, reflect and remember. 

Policy of the Month

We are currently updating our website where all policies and documents will be available very soon. 

This week we are highlighting our Attendance Policy and an information Fact Sheet for parents from the Department of Education