Our Whole School Reward Challenge got off to a great start with the announcement this week at assembly that 1444 values cards were given out in the first 3 days of the challenge! That is an amazing result and our students were congratulated for their efforts in focusing on our school values of being Respectful, Responsible Learners. 

You could ask your children at home if they have received a values card recently and get them to explain to you what they did to earn it. By doing this our whole community is playing a part in reinforcing our school values. 

The aim of the challenge is to acknowledge students when they demonstrate favourable behaviours and instead of working towards individual rewards (which is the usual system set up in each class room), students feel pride in contributing to the whole school culture and making our environment a safe and respectful place to work in. 

Students are working towards a whole school extended lunchtime with games run by teachers and an edible treat!