Get Active 


Get Active Victoria - $200 reimbursement

The Victorian Government are offering a reimbursement of up to $200 per child between the ages of 0-18 to support families in covering the costs of sporting club memberships, registration, or participation fees. Some equipment such as mouth guards, helmets, etc, can also be claimed using the $200 voucher. To be eligible, you must: 

1. Have a family Health Care Card or have your child named on their own Health Care Card2. Have a valid Australian Government Medicare Card3. The child/recipient needs to be between the ages of 0-18 years old4. Submit your expense documentation with your claim. Receipts and/or tax invoices must clearly show proof of payment as well as details of the sporting activity and local club/activity provider.5. Incurred the expenses between the dates of 1 January 2022 – 30 November 2022To apply for a reimbursement, please visit: 

and click on the 'get reimbursed' button which will take you to a portal in which you need to complete an application. If you would like any more details, please contact me via email or phone.

Tanya Lane Extra-curricular Coordinator Email: 9365 8000