Your Art4All Checklist

Your Checklist

  • Donate your classroom shopping items (see below for your two items by classroom).
  • Donate (or lend us) large containers if you have some. If you label your container, we will return it on Monday. 
  • Have any old, large paintbrushes? Or donate us your unwanted white pillowcases for a fun ArtZone activity of Tie-dying. Leave items on the office trestle table. 
  • Sign up for your two hours of helping. We still need heaps of people to volunteer for Sunday afternoon/evening hours. Help in ArtZone, they need you! Hop on the BBQ or food serving table (easy peasy), or better still - get out of putting the kids to bed and help us packup from 3pm! 
  • Buy ArtZone wristbands for your kids.
  • Book a babysitter and purchase a Gala Night ticket.



Next time you're at the shops, remember to pop your class items on the shopping list.

FAcorn flour - for artonions
FBcorn flour - for artfood colouring (for art)
FCcorn flour - for artfood colouring (for art)
FDcouscouswhole egg mayonaise
1Afeathers, large buttons, large beadspaper towel
1Bfeathers, large buttons, large beadspaper towel
1Ccoloured/patterned paperpepitas/sunflower seeds for salads
1Dcoloured/patterned papercans of chickpeas
1Epipecleanerspaella rice (not pre flavoured/cooked)
2Aball of wool/yarnpaella rice (not pre flavoured/cooked)
2Bball of wool/yarntomato sauce for sausage in bread
2Ctwine or thin craft wiretomato sauce for sausage in bread
2Dtwine or thin craft wiretomato sauce for sausage in bread
3Axmas fabriccans chickpeas
3Bfelt squarescans lentils
3Cfelt squarespaella rice (not pre flavoured/cooked)
3Dxmas fabriccloves of garlic
4Atissue paper or cellophanesoft drinks - Cans! Big cans, small cans, boxes of cans, any flavour, for kids and adults
4Bpaper platessoft drink cans - Cans! Big cans, small cans, boxes of cans, any flavour, for kids and adults
4Cgoogly eyes (ideally large)soft drink cans - Cans! Big cans, small cans, boxes of cans, any flavour, for kids and adults
5Aserviettessoft drink cans - Cans! Big cans, small cans, boxes of cans, any flavour, for kids and adults
5Bserviettessoft drink cans - Cans! Big cans, small cans, boxes of cans, any flavour, for kids and adults
5Cserviettessoft drink cans - Cans! Big cans, small cans, boxes of cans, any flavour, for kids and adults
6Acouscoussoft drink cans - Cans! Big cans, small cans, boxes of cans, any flavour, for kids and adults
 6Bcouscoussoft drink cans - Cans! Big cans, small cans, boxes of cans, any flavour, for kids and adults

*Leave donations on the school office trestle table.