Message From Our 


Dear Parents and Caregivers,


Welcome back to Term 4. It was lovely to see everyone back at school ready for a very productive term ahead. This is a particularly special time for our Year 6s who begin their last term of primary school. As we begin our final term for 2022, it is a good time for parents to revisit the learning goals with your children and ensure the final term is a positive and enriching one for everyone. It is also a jam-packed term, so please regularly check our calendar for upcoming events so you know what is happening. 


To ensure that your child can be the best they can be with their learning, could I please remind parents to make every effort to schedule appointments out of school hours and be sure your child arrives at school before the bell each day. Being at school, on time each day is the best possible way you can assist your child to be a successful learner. Please contact either myself or your child’s teacher if you are having any concerns with school attendance so we are able to support you where possible. 


Next week the whole school will participate in our swimming program at Aquamoves, Shepparton. Each day, children will take part in a 30 minute lesson by the fully trained swim instructors. A timetable for these sessions is available on PAM.  If you are able to help, please let your child’s teacher know and we ask that you meet us at Aquamoves. All helpers must complete the Volunteer Induction Module on our website. I’m sure you can also appreciate the importance of having all belongings clearly labelled.


Year 3 and Year 5 children received their NAPLAN results late last term. We had children that did exceedingly well and should be extremely proud of their achievements. Parents were sent home the results late last term. 


Congratulations to the students who represented Sacred Heart at District Athletics last Monday and thank you to Reilly Young and Tracy Marshall for attending along with them. Special congratulations to Sidney Nihill and Danni Do-Le who have made it through to zone in Albury next Friday. Good luck both of you!


Year 3/4 have enjoyed the tennis coaching lessons with David Starling. Thank you Nicole Brown for organising this as part of the Positive Start Program – Classroom to Court. It has been lots of fun for all involved. 


Best wishes to our Year 5/6 and staff who are heading off to Canberra on October 24-28th. So much planning and preparation has gone into this and I know it will be a wonderful learning time for all involved. After having their two previous camps cancelled due to Covid, I know the Year 6s are especially looking forward to the experience of school camp. 


Last week all staff took part in First Aid training. Some staff completed their Level 2 while others updated their CPR, asthma and anaphylaxis training. Thank you to staff for maintaining this important training. 


We have also been working with Michael Chisholm [Aboriginal Educator, CES] who has been presenting a program, Australian’s Together. This has been a valuable opportunity for staff to explore ways to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in our school. Staff have completed four workshops with Michael and have found the program to be very powerful in bringing Australians together to understand, listen to and respect or First Nations stories and cultures.


Each Wednesday Sr Pam,  has been coming to Sacred Heart as part of the Mercy Access Program.  Unfortunately, today is Sr Pam’s last week with us. We are very grateful for her generosity in sharing so much with the children and staff and have very much enjoyed her time with us. Thank you Sr Pam and we hope to see you back again soon.


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus continue to watch over our school community and bless us always.


Pauline Hindson 
