From the Head of Sport

.Welcome back to Term 4 and the commencement of summer sport. This will be a busy term with six rounds of sport commencing on 22nd October. Please ensure that you are only wearing BMGS gear to both trainings and games.
Congratulations - Athletics
NSW All Schools Athletics
After a very successful ISA Carnival, a record 16 BMGS students qualified for CIS the following week. Not everyone was able to make it, but the 13 students who were able to attend, competed in a total of 28 events, and brought home 9 medals (1 gold, 5 silver and 3 bronze).
Special mention should be made of Zara Nicholas who competed in an amazing six events, and winning three silver medals. Other medal winners were Amelie Hugo in the 400m and 800m; Olivia Harris in the shot put, Keeden Harrison in the 3000m; and I won medals for the 400m and 800m.
The NSW All School Athletics Championships started the day after school broke up and ran over four days. BMGS was well represented again, with six students competing – Rose Nicholas (Year 7), Zara Nicholas (Year 8), Amelie Hugo (Year 10), Oliver Drew (Year 11), Casper Larkin (Year 11) and me (Year 11). Between us, we competed across fourteen events, achieving seven top 10 placings.
Congratulations to Casper for winning a bronze medal in the U17 boys Steeplechase, and to Amelie Hugo who finished just out of the medals in her 400m but still ran fast enough to qualify for the National Athletics Championships in April.
I was very happy to win a bronze in the 800m and a silver in the steeplechase, which means I’ve also qualified for Nationals.
Athletics is a great sport and has something to suit everyone. There are three little Athletic Clubs in the mountains, Katoomba, Springwood and Glenbrook. It is only the beginning of the season so go and join up.
Will Zakis, Year 11, 2023 Captain of Athletics
Mr Collins has been working hard to boost the First XI Cricket team. If you are interested in playing please email him on
Are you interested in helping the Tennis team out on occasions to make up numbers? Is your Saturday sport cancelled due to rain? If you would like to go on the reserve list for Tennis please email Mrs Van Gelderen on
All uniforms are now available in the Uniform Shop. Please remember that the Uniform Shop is only open on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Sporting Fixtures - Saturday, 15th October
Mrs Megan Harris
Head of Sport