Music News

Australian Honours Ensemble Program
Congratulations to the following students who participated Conservatorium Australian Honours Ensemble program held in Queensland over the holidays: Emily Colbran (Year 11) and Iluka Horn (Year 8) who performed Viola and Cello respectively in the Australian Honours Symphony Orchestra.
State Honours Ensemble Program
We also congratulate Zara Wigan (Year 12) and Maeve Magner (Year 11) who successfully auditioned for the State Honours Ensemble program, singing Soprano in Malcolm Williamson Vocal Ensemble and playing Violin in the Alfred Hill Orchestra.
On her return, Zara reported that she "had a great time, made some friends, and I am more than grateful for your encouragement. It was refreshing to be around so many people who like music. The auditions for phase 2 are also complete, and I was very happy with the process."
Co-Curricular Music
All of our Music Ensembles are busily rehearsing for end of year events, including Presentation Day. As the School's Term 4 calendar is an extremely busy one, our time together in rehearsal is at a premium. Therefore please let me, or Mrs Cooney, know if you are unable to attend any rehearsals.
Diary Dates
Soiree Primavera - Thursday, 27th October
Presentation Day - Wednesday, 7th December
Mrs Debbie Smith
Head of Music