From the Dean of Curriculum

7 Ways Mindfulness can be Helpful to Students
Do you experience feelings of anxiousness? Why not give mindfulness a go? It can be as simple as closing your eyes, breathing deeply and counting your breaths in and out. There are lots of great Apps out there, for example ‘Mindfulness’, ‘Headspace’, ‘Relax’ and ‘Positivity’.
These will guide you through simple mindfulness exercises. You could even try the new mindfulness colouring-in books for adults that are all the rage. But what is it all about and why should you try it?
What is Mindfulness?
Headspace ( defines mindfulness as “the intention to be present in the here and now, fully engaged in whatever is happening, free from distraction or judgement, with a soft and open mind”.
How does practicing mindfulness help you with your schoolwork?
- Reduces anxiety and risk of depression - By becoming mindful, a person stops judging themselves and those around them and recognises that every situation “is what it is”. When you stop judging and comparing, you are able to reduce anxiety.
- Increases resilience - resilience is the ability to experience something bad but to not internalise it and to be able to move on, still gaining benefit even from a negative experience. Practicing mindfulness and meditation quietens the mind and enables acceptance without judgement, which is key for achieving resilience.
- Improves ability to learn and recall information - research by the University of Miami has shown that practicing mindfulness for 12 minutes a day improved attention and memory.
- Improves concentration - regular practice of mindfulness may help improve concentration by enabling the brain to focus more accurately and to filter out unwanted or unhelpful messages.
- Improves creativity - practicing mindfulness has the potential to allow the brain to unlock and unleash creativity. Creativity is of benefit to all students, not just in terms of artistic talents but also in relation to problem solving.
- Helps manage exam stress - mindfulness can help you calm and focus your mind which helps to manage stress related to exams. This tool can be used in the lead up to the exam and also during the exam if stress levels begin to rise.
- Leads to better sleep - getting enough sleep is crucial to ensure students have the mental and physical energy to learn. However, as academic and social pressures increase, this can lead to students having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. By reducing anxiety and stress you can ultimately sleep better and longer.
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Mrs Alicia Michielsen
Dean of Curriculum 7-12
Head of Learning Enrichment P-12
Careers Advisor