Attendance and Absence:

If your child is going to be away, then we REALLY need to know.

There is ONE main way we would really like you to use to let us know 

our Hero App - available from App Store and Google Play

The Hero App - search the App Store or Google Play by typing in Linc-Ed - is the BEST way to inform us about absences. 


It is so easy to get the right message to the right place and really easy to type in the "reason" for absence. 

Using Hero sends the absence message directly to our office and your child's teacher and records it in the right place for Ministry requirements, saving office staff from manually entering it there.


Please do provide a reason for your child's absence when you connect via one of the above methods. We really need more information than just "not in today" or similar.


On that point, please let us know if the absence is likely to be for more than one day. Ideally, let us know your child is away each day, not just on the first day. I know that is extra work for you, but it saves us so much time and does a lot to help us ensure EVERY child is safely accounted for EVERY day.



With sincere thanks.