Updated advice for parents and carers 

As per advice from Public Health, the mandatory isolation period for a positive COVID-19 case has been reduced from seven days to five days. 


Students who test positive for COVID-19 must enter isolation immediately on confirmation from Public Health or from registering a positive Rapid Antigen Test. 


Students who are feeling well and have no symptoms may return to school after completing the fifth day of isolation. 


It is recommended that students who are unwell or symptomatic of any illness should remain at home until they are feeling well and their symptoms resolve. 


Students who are close contacts (i.e. household member with COVID-19) should still attend school provided they are feeling well and are symptom-free. 


Close contacts are also required to test daily and wear a mask indoors when outside their home, including when indoors at the College. 


We thank you for your support as we continue this journey together.