
"You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child." (Dr Seuss)

Library - Term 3

Our school Library is NOW open for borrowing! 

We are absolutely thrilled to see so many students getting excited about what books they want to borrow next. Classroom teachers have been given allocated times to take their students into the library to borrow books and explore some of new releases.

The timetable is below to see when your child has library. 


Decodable Readers

Exciting times at EPS with Mrs Fullard (and her amazing team) introducing decodable readers... at home! She has been a busy bee setting up our decodable borrowing system, so students can take their reader home to practice ARPE! 

This is a acronym for Accuracy, Rate, Punctuation and Expression when reading aloud. 


Parents! Please click the link below which explain what decodable reading at home looks like, sounds likes and feels like!



EPS Literacy Team.