
We'd love your help

Epsom Primary School use the QKR! app for all of our fundraising items and special events.   

Please make sure when ordering fundraising items or for special events, that orders are placed under each individual student Profile with correct classroom Grade.

A message from our Fundraising Coordinators: Katharine Farnington & Gill Deason

As the new Fundraising Coordinators on the School Council, we wanted to introduce ourselves to you all! We are both new to the School Council but as parents of kids across Grades Prep, 3 and 4 we are excited to be more involved in supporting the school and our school community and coordinating activities to raise funds that will benefit everyone.


Our recent Hot Chip Day was a great success and a huge thank you to White Hills Take-Away and our amazing volunteers who helped out across two days – lots of smiles and full tummies.  Money raised will go towards the soft fall for the play area.


Our Fathers’ Day/Special Person Stall is fast approaching. It will be held on Thursday 1st September and we are seeking donations for our stall. Please send them to the office. Ideas include: stubby holders, cans of soft drink, key rings, car wash items, BBQ items, gardening items, chocolates, lollies, pamper items/toiletries and anything else you can think of that Dad or that special person would love.   Once again this will be a cashless event, more details on how to QKR vouchers will be announced soon.


In the meantime, if you have any ideas for future fundraising events or would like to volunteer, we’d love to hear from you!


Kind regards,

Katharine and Gill

Fundraising Items

Beanies $15
Boomerang Bags 3 for $10
Beanies $15
Boomerang Bags 3 for $10


We would love to see our tree blossom with all families. Let's watch it grow!
Epsom PS Leaf Tree
Sponsored Leaf Tag form
Epsom PS Leaf Tree
Sponsored Leaf Tag form


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