Green Magpies
Green Magpies
We would love to see lots of our Epsom PS community participate in National Tree Day, Sunday 31st July. This will be a huge day of community action, aiming to plant 6000 seedlings at the hidden gem in Huntly that is Goldleaf Wetland. Flyer attached. Register at to participate.
The Green Magpies have been busy planting some new tree seedlings donated to us by a local resident Ken Beasley from the Northern Landcare Group. We planted these along our paddock fence line and look forward to them growing tall in the coming years.
We have joined the Wonder Recycling Rewards Program. We are asking all families to send in their empty bread and bread roll bags to school. When we have 25kg.....yes 25kg we can trade them in for sporting equipment. House points are on offer!
We have 23kg so far and only 2kg left to go! Thank you so much!!!!!