Year 3/4 Term 3 Overview

Year 3/4: Term 3

Welcome back to term 3! We hope you enjoyed the change of pace that holidays bring and are ready for another busy term. This week we welcome Aimee Patone to our 3/4CB class. We hope Aimee and her family are warmly welcomed to our community. 

The term promises to be a busy one, with KABOOM whole school sports day, Italian Day, Book Week and Father’s Day breakfast. We are excited to welcome back parent helpers this term! If you are able to assist in our morning literacy block after meditation, please let us know. 


Religious Education

Our initial focus this term is on Mary and her role in the early Church. We will be discussing the bible stories: The Annunciation, The Visitation and the Wedding Feast at Cana and how Mary was portrayed in these stories. 

We will also be comparing and contrasting the life of Mary Mackillop with Mary, mother of Jesus and how they responded to God. Students will then investigate groups within our Parish at St John’s which provide opportunities for discipleship. 



In Number and Algebra we will focus on Multiplication and Division. We will be using a variety of efficient mental and written strategies to recall Multiplication and Division facts. We will also be exploring patterns and algebra by describing, continuing and creating number patterns and applying mathematical rules to shapes and numbers. 

In Measurement and Geometry we will focus on Area, 3D objects and Volume, using metric units to measure, order and compare. We will also explore Location, through interpreting maps and other geographical data and information. All lessons are preceded by fluency practice and supported by the online Mathletics program. 




In Reading, our comprehension focus is making connections to the text. We will be discussing texts and how they compare to our own experiences, other texts we’ve read and how they relate to the world.

Our teacher focus groups will support the continued development of fluency and expression through reading a levelled novel over a period of time, discussing different connections we can make. The initial focus in writing this term is on the purpose, structure and features of Poetry. Students will be investigating different types of poems and writing examples of their own. 


Social & Emotional Learning

This term our focus in SEL is on identifying communication skills that enhance peer support and help-seeking strategies. Students will be identifying a range of conflict resolution and help-seeking strategies to negotiate positive

outcomes to problems. We will also be exploring opportunities for leadership in social situations. 


Inquiry:Our focus this term is exploring how our actions of the past impacts our present and future relationships. We will be investigating timelines, marking significant events in Australian history and explore how these have shaped our life today. Students will also research a significant person who has influence our Australian heritage and share their research with their peers in their chosen form of presentation. 


Physical Education:

This term in physical education, we are focusing on catching and throwing which is a fundamental skill needed in a variety of sports. Students will be learning how to play Netball, T-Ball and Hockey, by practising and developing different techniques and skills. 




  • Daily reading and recording in reading records
  • Reading Eggs
  • Mathletics - Tasks will be set in Mathletics relating to classroom topics to consolidate learning. It is not expected that students would complete all tasks in one sitting. 
  • Additional tasks may be given to support students learning in core subjects 

We hope that students are finding the home learning grid easy to manage and provides them an opportunity to show their learning outside of school.



Students will have specialist classes on Thursdays (please see timetable below). They will be required to wear their sport uniform on Tuesday and one other day. Students will also need to bring in their library bag and books on their designated library day. 

MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Friday




Sport (MB)

Library (MB)

Visual Art (CB)

Sport (CM) 

Library (CM) 



Performing Art

Visual Art (CM, MB)

Sport (CB)

Library (CB)

Important Dates to Remember:

Friday 22 July: School Closure Day 

Monday 1 August: Kaboom Whole School Sports Day 

Thursday 11 August: Italian Day 

Wednesday 17 August: Student Led Conferences 

Wednesday 31 August: 'Resilience and Positive Behaviour Parent Night' with Special Guest Patrice Wiseman 

Friday 2 September: Father’s Day Breakfast 


Tuesday 30 August: 3/4CM attending Parish Mass 

Monday 5 September: 3/4CB attending Parish Mass

Tuesday 26 July: 3/4MB attending Parish Mass 


If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us,




